Thursday, September 30, 2010

Assignment 2- Portrait


  1. really love the film still picture. Great darks and lights.

  2. I love the one of the girl in the woods. I also love the one of the guy holding the football. They both tell a story.

  3. I really love 1, I think it works really well and the composition is really nice. I also like numbers 3 and 6. They both feel natural and like they really show us something of the people.

  4. favorites: #1,6

    #1 is perfect, except for it being from

    #6 is a great composition. but if you tweak the levels to give it more contrast it would be a really powerful photo. the detail is amazing

  5. The last photo looks very real and honest. I feel like I know something about this person. The background being so dark makes his form stand out a lot, too.

  6. The sharpness of the first and last photos are nice. It really helps put the focus on the subject.

  7. You have a very strong set of photographs with some very interesting compositions. I personally like the one of the hanging sheet in your apartment. The shadow is so spooky, and adds a cool element. the film still recreation is great two. Those leaves and the trees look great.

  8. #1 Has a great range of tones and your subject's placement is good, If she was centered it would be too predictable.
    #5 Interesting with the person in motion and the play of their figure. The lines formed from the hanging sheet are nice.

  9. The film still is my favorite. It looks very candid and natural. Great angle. I like the last photo too, with the football, but I think I'd like more contrast in it to set him apart from the background more and to add more detail to his face.

  10. I like the film still, group photo, silhouette, and the football pictures the best. For the silhouette some of the background items are a little bit distracting though. If you wanted to re-shoot this, maybe consider that. Good job:)

  11. This still film shot looks really like it is from a movie. I like the composition and the expression on her face.

  12. first one is very cinematic. great job recreating a film still. at first i wished it was in focus, but for some reason it seems to work when a bit soft. the second one is unique and interesting and tells a story. maybe a bit more contrast on that one would help to make the brights brighter. the third one has a good composition and i think you could bring out the whites a bit more. the last one is good and could also benefit from brightening the brights.

  13. I like the first one a lot, I like how there are blurry images parts and clear parts.

  14. I think photos 1, 3 and 4 are your strongest. #1 is absolutely stunning the way it is. I love the tones and contrast, as well as her expression in #3. I think you did well at capturing an intimate moment. #4 is really interesting because the computer screen is blanked out- it makes you really want to know what they're looking at. It's also interesting because its a portrait of a group, but you can't really see any of their faces very well. What is that pig in the background though? Haha.

  15. The group shot is interesting. The subjects do really appear to be very seriously studying the laptop, and because the laptop screen is white, it makes me very curious as to why they are staring at it.

    I also like the dancing(?) image. Except you might want to consider the TV being cropped out, it is distracting and not all that interesting.

  16. I like the first one a lot, I like how there are blurry images parts and clear parts.

  17. Each composition is effective to their purpose and the lighting/contrast is well done. My favorites would have to be 1-4. Suggestions for the last one would be to play around with the tones to highlight his face more.

  18. I like your group shot because there is so much going on, it makes a good dynamic. I also like the reflection of the pig.

  19. i really like the photo of the dancing shadow. it might be more interesting if you could see a bit more of the figure, but nonetheless it's an interesting composition.
