Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blog 12

#12____Memory of a Photograph: Which photograph from your past do you remember most? Describe this photograph. Describe how it makes you feel when you remember/think about this photograph. How have you changed? How has the place in this photograph changed? What would a reenactment of this photograph look like? Would you act or look differently if you reenacted this scene today?

One photograph I remember most was a picture of me and a cat that lived around the block. I had just come home from school. I was in first grade. This cat lived around the block from me and absolutely loved me. I never knew why because I would pretend he was my baby and carry him around in a net, but I guess he enjoyed it. So this photograph I am holding the cat like a baby in my arms. He waited for me on the front steps every day waiting for me to come home. The reason why I remember it so much was because not too long after my mom ran him over. He was sleeping on our driveway and didn't here us coming. My mom didn't see him either. I always think back to that and question about how my life would have been different if he was still alive all these years. He was like no other cat I've ever met. If I were to reenact this picture I would probably use a baby doll to represent what I thought of the cat and find a porch that looked like mine because we were standing on my front porch.  I would definitely look different because of the fact that I had bangs and was super tiny.

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